
Angular Cheilitis Diagnosis

How do you know you actually have angular cheilitis? Maybe it's just a case of the chapped lips. More often than not, this condition is more prone to the cold, bitter winter months.

If you have chapped lips, get chap stick and treat it right away. If the problem persists, then there might be something more to it.

Having cracked corners of your mouth is a serious sign of AC. If it's painful to open your mouth up wide, your mouth is sore and uncomfortable, bumps on your lips, or even red or swollen lip are real symptoms of this condition.

If you have any of these symptoms you can assume you have angular cheilitis. There's really no need to see a doctor because you can treat it from over the counter products. Try neosporin and anti-fungal creams at first. Then, see where it takes you.

AC is tough to over come. Most of the time when you treat it, by the next few weeks it comes back. So the question becomes, how do you cure it permanently?

The first step is diagnosing. Once you figure out that you actually have it, you can get on to the next step in the healing process. Our main website can help you find out much more information. For now visit https://angularcheilitisinfo.com/. In the meantime, we will be updating this site as we move forward bringing you better and up-to-date information on the subject at hand.

Stay tuned for more information. We understand it isn't easy going at this alone. That's why we want to help you through the healing process.


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